1. Personal information
We may collect and hold information or opinions which identifies users of the Teeth at Coomera service or any other of our services (“personal information”) from time to time. We may collect personal information whether or not it is true and whether or not it is recorded in a material form.
The kind of personal information that we collect and hold may differ depending upon which services you use.
1.1 Personal information we collect and hold from information you provide
We collect and hold the personal information you provide when you use our services.
We may collect and hold your personal information you supply to us.
This personal information includes information we solicit from you when you attend personally with us to obtain our services, when you sign up for an account (if applicable), tell us your experience at our website, use our website to ask a dentist a question, or when you otherwise input any personal information when asked to do so by a service offered via our website.
We collect and hold personal information you provide if you upload, sync or import information from other networks and devices.
We may from time to time collect and hold personal information about how you use our services, such as the frequency and duration of your activities, so that we can fine tune our services better to meet your apparent needs.
1.2 Personal information we collect and hold from information others provide about you
We do not collect and hold personal information about you from third parties unless a third party has provided us with your information on your behalf or under the premise (for example, online) that the third party was you.
1.3 Personal information we collect and hold from payments made by you
We collect and hold all information you supply to us when you attend personally to pay for our service or when you purchase anything via our website or online shops accessible via our websites or services. This information may include your personal information and what you buy and in what quantities.
1.4 Personal information we collect from devices
We collect information from or about the computers, phones, or other devices on which you install or access our services, depending on the permission settings on those devices.
2 Use and disclosure of your personal information
We will only use or disclose personal information that is also “sensitive information” where you have actually or impliedly given us your consent to do so. For example, if you share with us (directly or via our website) your health information or any other sensitive information, for example in the process of asking a dentist for advice, we will treat that as your consent to use that information to provide the Teeth at Coomera service to you or (in the case of asking a dentist for advice) procure an answer to your query.
2.1 Direct marketing
We may use or disclose the personal information we collect from you for direct marketing.
You may request at any time not to receive direct marketing material when you use our services.
Simply contact us via our contact details below and we will make sure you no longer receive direct marketing communications from us.
2.2 Improved services
We may use or disclose the personal information we collect from you to improve your Teeth at Coomera experience.
This may include use or disclosure of your personal information in order to personalise, develop and improve the services we provide you, verify your identification and improve your account security.
2.3 Cross-border disclosure of personal information
We may disclose your personal information to overseas recipients for any of the reasons outlined above.
Those overseas recipients may be located in Singapore, Germany and the USA.
While we cannot guarantee overseas recipients will comply with Australian laws, we will take the necessary steps in the circumstances to ensure that those overseas recipients do not breach the Australian Privacy Principles.
3 Integrity of personal information
3.1 Quality of personal information we collect and hold
We take all reasonable steps to ensure that:
the personal information we collect is accurate, up to date and complete; and
the personal information we use or disclose is accurate, up to date, complete and relevant having regard to the purpose of the disclosure.
3.2 Security of personal information
We take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information we collect from:
misuse, interference and loss; and
unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
If we hold personal information which we no longer need for any purpose for which we may use or disclose your personal information as described in this policy, and:
the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record; and
we are not required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to retain the information,
then we will take all such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to destroy the information or to ensure that the information is de-identified.
4 Access to and corrections of your personal information
4.1 Access to your personal information
Upon your request, we will provide you access to your personal information we hold if it is reasonably practicable to do so, within a reasonable period after your request is made.
Notwithstanding, we retain the right to deny access to your personal information to the extent that:
we reasonably believe that giving access would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual, or to public health or public safety; or
giving access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals; or
the request for access is frivolous or vexatious; or
the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between us or our related entities and you, and would not be accessible by the process of discovery in those proceedings; or
giving access would reveal our intentions in relation to negotiations with you in such a way as to prejudice those negotiations; or
giving access would be unlawful; or
denying access is required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/ tribunal order; or
both of the following apply:
(i) we have reason to suspect that unlawful activity, or misconduct of a serious nature, that relates to our functions or activities, has been, is being or may be engaged in; and
(ii) giving access would be likely to prejudice the taking of appropriate action in relation to the matter; or
giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, an enforcement body; or
giving access would reveal evaluative information generated within our organisation in connection with a commercially sensitive decision-making process.
4.2 Corrections of your personal information
We will make corrections to personal information we hold about you if:
we are satisfied that, having regard to a purpose for which the information is held, the information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading; or
you request us to correct the information.
Within a reasonable period following the situations set out in paragraphs 4.2(a) or (b) above, we will take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the circumstances to correct that information to ensure that, having regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading.
5 How to contact us
Our contact details
Teeth at Coomera
E-mail: [email protected]
Post: PO Box 8233, Gold Coast Mail Centre QLD 9726